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Improved weather display!

Improved Weather Display

The weather presentation has been graphically revamped. This allows the data such as temperature, precipitation, wind, and possibly even wind rose to be viewed in separate diagrams. This makes the displayed data more clear and concise. The respective image for the date will still be provided, of course. But see for yourself: [Link to Weather Data]

The small weather diagram at the bottom right corner continues to display the current values or the values corresponding to the selected image, as usual. When you click on it, the entire weather archive will open up for you to explore.

Now, at the top of the image, you can choose the display period (Day, Month, Year). Use the green vertical line to select the specific time point. Below, the corresponding image for the viewed values will be displayed. With the green arrows on the left and right of the diagram, you can navigate forward or backward depending on the selected period (Day/Month/Year)

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