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Top 6 Panomax Features for Scenic Railways and Lift Operators

Share your unique views with Panomax

Interact with guests on a whole new level with our 360° panoramic images. Stunning views, in full screen and high resolution can be viewed at any time with Panomax.

Display Weather Data

Weather Data is automatically displayed within the panorama. All data is available 24/7 in the Archive.

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Share your unique local perspectives with guests online. Highlight Hotspots with interactive content and create an immersive experience.

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Summit labelling

Identifying mountain peaks has never been this easy.

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Panomax as Screensaver

Use the Panomax Panorama as a Screensaver.


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Create your own TV programme with Panomax. Broadcast images to your own network or a local TV channel.


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Panomax Video

A second camera can be installed within the standard Panomax housing. This allows the recording of videos, in addition to the 360° image.

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All Panomax Functions are available for all of our clients. Feel free to browse through our Features A-Z. Have a look at our current Scenic Railways and Lift Operator clients here.

For more information about Panomax get in touch with us.

Kleinwalsertal - Ifenbahn open Camera
Kleinwalsertal - Kanzelwandbahn open Camera
Leibnitz - Kreuzkogelwarte open Camera
Schöckl - Bergstation open Camera
Active Cameras
Public Cameras
Number of Images