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Top 6 Panomax Features for Hotels and Hotel Chains

Showcase your location in real time

Leverage your views with Panomax. Interact with your guests before they arrive and share your local perspectives with them.


Guests get an all year impression of a location as all images are archived and available online 24/7.

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Best Shots

Highlight unique moments within the Archive.

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Highlight Trails

Highlight hiking paths, mountainbike trails and cross country skiing loops with Panomax.

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Create your own TV programme with Panomax. Broadcast images to your own network or a local TV channel.

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Language Versions

Communicate with your guests in eight different languages.


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Individually adjust the Panomax interface to match your corporate design.

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All Panomax Functions are available to all of our clients. Feel free to browse through our Features A-Z. Have a look at our current Hotel and Hotel Chain clients here.

For more information about Panomax get in touch with us.


Kleinwalsertal - Ifenbahn open Camera
Kleinwalsertal - Kanzelwandbahn open Camera
Leibnitz - Kreuzkogelwarte open Camera
Schöckl - Bergstation open Camera
Active Cameras
Public Cameras
Number of Images