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Before the curtain - we introduce you to our newest employee Stefan Padutch!

Stefan, what do you do at Panomax?
As Sales Business Development Manager, my job is to increase awareness of the Panomax brand, thereby building up new markets via various channels and acquiring new customers for us.

What is your personal highlight at Panomax?
Attending the ITB trade fair in Berlin and selling my first camera.

What do you do when you're not working?
Sport. In summer, I spend a lot of time in the mountains, and in winter I sometimes go to the gym. I also enjoy reading and cooking and am interested in politics and history. Of course, our little dog always wants to be entertained :)

What don't you like at all?
Narcissism in all its forms and nit-pickers.

I irritate my work colleagues by...
I don't know what I irritate them with. I haven't had any complaints yet. I'll think of something :)

My first experience at Panomax was...
Flying a drone for the first time in my life.


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